Saturday, October 3, 2015

Excuse the Interruption...

Its been a great summer and we're happy to announce we'll be back in 2016 with an entire new website, an entire new line of apparel and gear for Anglers and Hunters... 
Until then, online sales are open via our webstore...  and you can still visit any of our retail stores and grab yourself some gear. 


Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Saturday, June 22, 2013

331 POUND MAKO!!!!

Join the "Salt Saints" Crew of the Jennifer Anne Fishing Vessel as they land a catch of a lifetime 331 Pound Mako

The Salt Saints Crew lands a 331lb Mako from Scrimshaw Co on Vimeo.

Saturday, February 2, 2013

East Meadow Fishing Swap Meet

Its that time again for the East Meadow Fishing Swap Meet... We'll be there with our booth set up and all the new Scrimshaw Co gear. be sure to stop by and check us out.
This is a great show and we always snag some insane deals on fishing gear for the upcoming season.

Temple Emanuel 
123 Merrick Ave, East Meadow, NY 11554

View Larger Map

Friday, September 14, 2012


Finally after weeks of tweaking, polishing, and researching the new fall line is in and ready to ship. Heres one of our favorites...but there's plenty more in the STORE

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

My Turn... Light Tackle Sharkin

Since Im usually pullin double duty on the chum grinder and camera, its rare that I ever get to see how goofy I look on film. This trip we had the pleasure of havin JoJo on the deck, half hungover and the other half asleep he did a hell of a job pointing the GoPro in the right direction. Thanks JoJo you captured my rugged handsomeness perfectly.
Special thanks to Tica Rods for building the best stick for light tackle big game!

Light Tackle Sharkin from Scrimshaw Co on Vimeo.

The Bite is hot....

JJ and Big John took the day and headed out past the breakers in search of dinner. After seeing these pictures I'm a bit salty I opted to stay on land this day. It didn't help that JJ texted me updates throughout the day adding to my jealousy, but hey I gotta let other people get on the fish sometimes ;)
Scrimshaw Co. Salt Saints Forever! SSFFSS
23" SeaBass, 24" Fluke & Some Triggers in the mix

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